School of Kinyarwanda

We teach Kinyarwanda online to foreigners and Rwandan diaspora

Look no further! Our dedicated team of experienced instructors is here to help you embark on an enriching journey through the heartwarming world of Kinyarwanda.

Main Image

Best content on internet

Our classes are made of rich content, audio, video and text

Interesting Quizzes

Each class contains quizzes and assignments to help you improve

External materials

We will provide other external resources that we recommend to be useful

About Us

Connecting Worlds with Kinyarwanda.

Although language is primarily a communication tool, language is more than that. For Kinyarwanda, our language is culture, life, wisdom and a way of life. Our goals are to promote the Kinyarwanda cultural heritage through this platform.

You will find on this website courses that will introduce you to Kinyarwanda but our goal is to be a platform where people can learn more than Kinyarwanda language.


Our Best Programs

Bridging Cultures Through the Beauty of Kinyarwanda: Our Passion is to Provide You with the Pathway to a Deeper Connection.


Our Great Vision & Mission

Celebrating Kinyarwanda, Connecting Cultures, One Word at a Time.

Kinyarwanda Connection

To connect cultures worldwide through the beauty of Kinyarwanda.

Cultural Heritage

To preserve and promote Rwanda's rich linguistic and cultural heritage.

Empowering Communication

To empower individuals with the language skills to communicate effectively in Kinyarwanda.

Diverse Community

To foster a diverse community of Kinyarwanda learners and enthusiasts.


What Our Student Say About Us